Customised Nurses Name Badges | Made in Australia

Nurse Name Badges Customised just for you!

Get on a first name basis with your patients! 

Name Badges are the perfect way to get on a first name basis with your patients, or clients.

BUT, they don't have to always be serious. If you work with children, or just like a little quirk in your life you can make your name badges fun too.

We've channeled some Patch Adams for ideas on how you can make your nurses name badges more fun!

Let your little patients know your favourite animal by popping it on your name badge - it will be a great way to start a conversation with your young patients.

Wear a button badge of your smiling face. As nurses and doctors you're always covering your face with masks. Let your patients see your smiling face by wearing it on a round button badge!

Draw your picture to pop on your name badge. Show off your line art talents and spark up a conversation with your little patients. Do they think you're a good drawer? Can they draw better than you?

Pop a saying on your badge. 
'Nursing is a work of HEART!'
'Laughter is the best Medicine'
'An Apple a day...'

Our name badges are not just for nurses and the medical profession. We also do name badges for retail, real estate, hospitality, child care, education, expos and so much more.

Check out our name badges HERE or call us on 03 9329 9200 for more!


Custom Nurse Name Badges | Made in Australia
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